CAGE: 58M47​ • DUNS: 828690375


Federal Aviation Administration

Electronic FAA Accelerated and Simplified Tasks

LTC Solutions is pleased to announce the award as a Prime Contractor of a Master Ordering Agreement (MOA) titled “Electronic FAA Accelerated and Simplified Tasks” (eFAST). eFAST is available for use by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and, on a limited basis and when in the best interest of the Government, by all federal government agencies.

The MOA, which functions as a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA), provides for a broad range of comprehensive professional and support services (excluding construction).

LTC Solutions was awarded the MOA in the following Service Areas:

  • Business and Administrative (BAM)

  • Research and Development (R&D)

  • Engineering Services (ES)

eFAST is a small business set-aside program for MOA holders (prime contractors).

MOA CEILING AMOUNT: The combined total ceiling amount for all MOAs under eFAST for the entire 15-year period of performance (2010-2024) is $7.4 billion.

Customer Satisfaction Point of Contact: Chris Knauer

Period of Performance: 2010 – 2024

MOA Ceiling Amount: $7.4B