The objective of this effort is to support the mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) to provide focused intelligence and services supporting the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), the Marine Corps Supporting Establishment, the Marine Corps Operating Forces, and the Intelligence Community at large. This requires services-specific doctrine and force structure development, system and equipment acquisitions, war gaming, policy and programming, and training and education, as well as Marine Operating Force contingency planning and other requirements for intelligence products and services, to include expeditionary warfare support not satisfied by other service, theater, or national capabilities. LTC Solutions provides continued support to MCIA in the areas of planning and process improvement to help them meet the requirement to support, enable, and improve the Marine Corps Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Enterprise (MCISRE) capability for intelligence operations supporting force-on-force, counter terrorist, counter intelligence, counter network, and information operations missions. The MCISRE is the synergistic integration of all service Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) elements into a single capability that is networked across all echelons and functional areas including the operating forces, supporting establishment, systems, and personnel to meet mission objectives. The PfM LCES mission is to expeditiously equip and sustain the Fleet Marine Force with Ammunition, Engineering, Motor Transportation, and Supply and Maintenance systems and support to enable success across the full spectrum of military operations. LTC Solutions supports the PM Supply and Maintenance System (SMS) Automatic Test Systems (ATS) Product Manager in support of PfM LCES objectives. Our specific emphasis is on (1) generating and updating logistics-specific acquisition documentation (e.g., Life Cycle Support Plan (LCSP)), (2) providing logistics information configuration management (e.g., serial numbers, part numbers, warranties, power requirements and licenses), (3) developing and maintaining programmatic acquisition documentation (e.g., schedules, policies, plans, memoranda, baselines, and flowcharts), providing comprehensive meeting support, and performing technical writing, technical editing and policy analysis.
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
Portfolio Manager
Logistics Combat Element Systems
CAGE: 58M47 • DUNS: 828690375